Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Morning Run and A Gift of Fall Leaves

I believe that every day there are gifts for us from nature, if only we are open to the experience.

On our way back from a nice long run in Iowa, we crossed a street under this beautiful tree.  I stopped in the middle of a residential street (not a busy one) to take the picture, not even realizing a motorcyclist was waiting for me to clear the lane.  But when I noticed him, he was smiling.

He saw the beauty too.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Morning Run & The Morning Sunrise.

I've been doing some morning runs.  I am setting my sights on just a mile or so as a trick to get me out there.  Then when I get warmed up and start enjoying myself, I can go further if I like.  I'd like to start stretching my distance out to about 10-15 miles in a day, at least once a week.

Here is the view on one of my morning runs this past week.

An extra bonus to getting up early to run is.....