Thursday, January 30, 2014

Progress Report

Just got back from a weekend trip where I did a lot of forking off. But Sunday morning, I got back on the program and am already feeling better.

Here's my status from my commitments listed in my last post.

I looked at the Insanity recipes and meal plans and discarded it. It uses too many processed foods for my taste.  Not as many as most Americans probably eat, but too many for me.  Also, it is not Paleo and I'm mostly a Paleo girl these days. Many people don't think of breads and pastas as 'processed' foods, but they are.  I almost never do breads of any kind unless I'm cheating.  It's as if my body is allergic to them but not in the traditional sense of getting rashes or other aches or pains.  Just fat.  That's what happens to me when I eat breads and pastas.  I get fat.  And hey, that's why I put so much weight on over the holidays.  Too much cheating with the processed foods.

I have started eating more salads for dinner again. Today I'm making butternut squash soup.  I'm using all fresh ingredients.  Some of the ingredients were frozen, but purchased fresh.  Yippy!  It will taste good tonight. I am using up stuff in the freezer since we are a few weeks out from moving into an RV with a tiny fridge and even tinier freezer.

I am drinking more hot tea in the evening instead of a glass of wine, though when we go out to dinner, I'm still having that glass...or two. This was not a commitment listed in the last post, but one that I think is the right thing to do.  Hot tea, especially on cold nights, is soothing.  I've learned that I can't do it in the morning though on an empty stomach....or maybe it was that particular brand.  For some reason it gave me a slightly nauseous feeling, like I get when I take a vitamin on an empty stomach.

I started the 100 pushup challenge and on the third day I pulled something in my right side and it was painful enough to be a conscious thing for a couple of days, and still mumbling to me a week later at night when I'd roll over in bed. But as of this last Monday, I started again, and now I am bracing my stomach more when I do the pushups.  I learned that from the Insanity workout tape my daughter and I did a while back.  They talked about tightening up the core, and I don't think they just meant tightening it up by exercising it.  They meant tightening it up while exercising.  I think that will keep me from pulling something if that makes any sense.  Pulling that muscle or straining something, whatever I did,
made me feel old.  I almost never, in my life time, have had things like that happen to me.  I've always felt I was nearly invincible.  Not that I always thought I was strong or fast or that kind of thing.  But that I almost never had injuries like all the elite athletes get from training so hard.  I have always been a plodder.  I get the job, I persevere.  I'm still there working out years after others revel in their glory days.

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