Sunday, September 28, 2014

Out for 13 Miles and Food Progress Report

Yesterday morning I went out to run a long one, 10 miles or so and ended up doing around 13, I think. I haven't traced my route carefully on a map to see what the exact distance was, but I've run that area before and also know what my general pace is so I'm pretty sure I'm close.  I wore a Camelbak for water and a butt pack with my cell phone and small camera.  I ran a modified version of the Fairfield, IA 16.2 mile bike loop trail around the city.

I did this long run partly because one of our sons, and some of his Coastie friends and colleagues were running the ADK Ragnar this weekend and I wanted to run with them in spirit.  They did it ultra style, and in fact, they did the MD/DC Ragnar last weekend ultra style too.  So they are rocking out.

There is so much to be said for identity with groups and with group behavior and motivation. I wanted to attach myself to them for that reason and so many other reasons that get complicated and have mixed emotions attached since we are in Iowa so I can be with my older sister who has stage 4 cancer. I haven't lived in Iowa since I left for college as a teenager. Some years I didn't even come back once for a visit. So here I am now, living in the RV in a place that I don't particularly care for, surrounded by extended family, many of which are toxic. Iowa is toxic.  High cancer rates, lots of fat people, lots of handicapped parking places.  Everyone watches TV and shops at Walmart.  Like everyday.  Both.

This is not a happy place in so many ways.  It is certainly not a healthy place in very many ways.

So mentally attaching myself to our son in Connecticut who was running a 200 mile relay race in the New York Adirondacks with 5 other people this weekend was a good thing for me.

As far as the Body Transformation Challenge and the whole weight loss/changing our eating practices issues, we are doing very well.  So I think, because neither of us has gotten on a scale since we started. Dave has lost two inches on his waist and actually acquiesced happily when I bought him several new pairs of shorts, jeans and casual pants.  I am back into everything I had that was too small for me when we got rid of our house and moved into the RV - I'd made the rule for myself that I would never again buy anything larger than a medium or a size 10, so for a while I didn't have too much to wear.  Now I have LOTS of choices. Some of my things are still a bit more snug than I desire, but I am getting there.

I am also doing the No Sweets September Challenge that one of my nieces invited me to participate in through FaceBook.  I am enjoying that and despite having made 3 different birthday cakes, two ice cream cakes and one cheesecake, for my older sister whose birthday was this last week, I have not even done any taste testing.  So I'm happy that the whole issue of sugary treats is totally off the table, so to speak, for me, and not only that, I found that I am able to bake and work with these things and not even wish I could eat them.  One small complicating factor is that since I didn't taste test anything, and didn't use any recipes, well, I guess I am flying without a net.  Good.  I like risk taking and adventure.  And so I guess I share that with the consumers (literally) of my efforts.

When I came back out to Iowa after a break back on the East Coast in the summer (to get my head right and to recover from some family and grief burnout), I realized that there was no way I could spend the lengthy (hopefully) amount of time with my ill sister and be able to navigate the emotional land mines that populate extended family dynamics.  I know I will anger people.  That apparently has already happened, as one of my brothers stopped by to ask why I am pissed at his wife and three of his grown daughters.  What?  I know nothing about that, and actually like them all very much.  But, whatever.

Doing the fitness, the controlled eating, helps me have a level of control in this crazy, sick (literally) place where I am a prisoner due to the love and compassion I have for my sister.  It is a no-win situation in that respect.  But I can control my own body on so many levels, and I choose to do that.  It makes me happy....and healthy.

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