Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Messed Up Knee

I was trail running on the Appalachian Trail.  I was really moving out and feeling good, having fantasies that I would eventually be doing 20 mile trail running days.  What great shape I would be in come marathon day in Erie, PA, in September.  But then my knee started talking to me. Arthritis.  RICE, the doc says:  Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

And Naproxen, 500mg, twice a day.

I also happen to know that arthritis responds well to exercise.  I saw an article on it a while back.  Many people use arthritis as an excuse, a rationalization to sit on their couch and eat potato chips or donuts.  Not me.  No way.

Gonna hike it off.  

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hobo Running

Before heading out to hit the Appalachian Trail for a couple days, Dave and I went for a run in the foothills of the Catoctin Mountains. We found a beautiful little side road that wound it's way to and fro into woods and through old farms. Very scenic. But there was no way to do a nice loop run, which I prefer rather then retracing my route, we cut back on the railroad tracks. We didn't try to run on the tracks due to the good size rocks, but it was a nice walk.

We saw dozens of these railroad spikes.

Along the tracks were not only dozens of old railroad spikes and other pieces, but sadly, the remnants of several critters who'd lost the fight with the train, such as deer, a calf, a vulture and a large turtle. As we walked, we heard a train coming and made sure we didn't get added to that list.