Friday, August 25, 2017

Long Fun Runs & Finding Bottle Caps

With two marathons coming up this fall you'd think I'd be seriously training.  But then, that would show that you don't know me very well.  I've never seriously trained for a marathon or even the 50K. I'm not bragging; I'm not a fast runner.  I'm just saying; I don't care that I'm not a fast runner.

My training style for years was just to do around six miles a day and maybe up to a ten now and again. Now my style is just doing long walks with an effort to put in a 15 mile run here and there, hopefully one a week.

But now I am morphing to just a long fun run which is really a combination of running and walking.  I stop to collect old beer bottle tops off the ground, many smashed flat, some packed with mud on the underside, some twisted, some so old they are fully rusted with no previous color evident.  You can't tell what flavor they capped.  I like the patina on those and the slightly lumpy bumpiness on the generally flattened cap.  

I find bottle caps all over the place, in parking lots in upscale neighborhoods, outside package stores and bars, along the highway, on trails in the woods and along bike paths.  But mother lodes can be had around neighborhood trash bins, but mostly in neighborhoods that have seen better days.  Mother lodes also appear near industrial or working class venues as if the employees get off work and down a few cold ones before hitting the road.  Or maybe at lunch and after work.  

I am going to use the beer bottle tops for some kind of art project, a sculpture of some type.  I'm not sure yet. 

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